My Store

Welcome to my online store! I showcase and sell my handmade plush toys in this section. Feel free to leave me a message via E-mail if you would like me to customize something especially for you. 

IMPORTANT: Please note that you will need to create an account by clicking the 'Sign In' button highlighted in blue below to be able to use the shopping cart. We have created the safest and easiest way for you to shop here to ensure you have the best shopping experience ever!

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Unknown said...

Hi Aiko! How Did You Edit Your Blog? A Video On That Maybe?

Unknown said...

hiya there! yep i did :D do you like it? >.<

Faris Bieber said...

akak pandai cakap melayu kan ? orang malaysia kan? more DIY pls.. i have business at school :D thx you :)

Unknown said...

boleh !

Unknown said...

how do you make your blog and pictures so pretty? and what type of video editer do you use?

Unknown said...

Hiya kim :D The blog design is really simple and I usually use photoshop to pretty up my pictures :D Also I use sony vegas pro 11 for a video editor :D HUGS

Anonymous said...

Aiko-chan, you're really talented. please make more plushes and DIY!!! HUGS! ;D

@AnotherSixthGun said...

omegosh if it wasn't for the earlier comments i wouldn't know that you're a malaysian too! :D That is like, a super surprise for me lol. anyway, if i were to do the felt plushies u posted on youtube and sell it, would u mind? i wont go big anyway, i'll just sell it to my schoolmates. i heard theres a license or somethin if you wanna do so, thats why im asking you :)

Unknown said...

@AnotherSixthGun Sure babe :) go ahead

Anonymous said...

Hi! I LOVE your plushies. ADORABLE!!!! I sew every once in a while, but now you really got me into it! I have a bunch of mochi (s). LOVE THEM! SOOOOOOOO GOOOOOD to have your blog. THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH. You are so talented. Very. I love your DIYs! Make more, PLEASE!

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