Thursday 3 October 2013

Aiko's First Outfit Giveaway!

Hello fluffies! It is giveaway time! As you probably know, I have been working with Sammydress in a few of my outfit videos and blog posts. My relationship with them has been an awesome one. We started off as partners and now, Sally who has been corresponding with me, has become a friend. Which is great.

Anyways, this is also my very first giveaway and I am pretty excited. In the past, I have been invited to host a number of giveaways on my blog and channel but always found myself turning them down as they either had crappy quality clothes or pre-selected 'out of date' items that did not suit my style or readership.

I find myself to be very picky when it comes to giving things away to you guys and I don't really feel the need to roll over and wag my tail if a sponsor presents ridiculous terms to work around with. I think a partnership should always consist of mutual understanding and a win-win situation for both. Hence the reason why I have kept my relationship with Sammydress as they always considered my stance before anything else. You would also probably realize that my sponsor column on the left sidebar is empty at the moment. I have cut out most of the sponsors to my blog as of this date but I will talk about it in another blog post altogether.
So onward and forward! This is an outfit giveaway, but the awesome part about it is that I chose all the five outfits above. I wanted this to be a personalized giveaway and Sally was all too kind to let me do it. So there you have it! Watch my video attached below to enter and await the results next week! WOO!

In other news, I went to the park last week and it was a three hour drive to get there. Totally worth it in my opinion as I had so much fun in the sun. I met a bunch of cute animals, a miniature horse included (Squeealsss!) which I will blog about soon but in the mean time, here is a sneak peak of squishies I saw during my trip. #zomgsocute

Finally, I am failing miserably at trying to grow my hair. It is SO SUPER UGLY! (caps intended). I just don't know how much longer I would be able to hold on to this appalling mess. LOL! That would also probably explain the squirrel on my head. It is so huge and fluffly, you'd have no choice but to look pass my hair. *evil laughs*.

Adorable isn't it? I got this in Taiwan last year. They have tons of these selling on the streets for about 4USD or so. Dirt cheap too. Great for the cold weather, and hiding hair of course.

Alright fluffies, I guess this is it. I shall see you during the weekend with a fashion DIY project. I have something fun planned. In the mean time, I shall leave you with narcissistic selcas. What an epic exit on my end. LOVE YOU!
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  1. When the hair is growing and you want it long, is the worst season... Because you don't have any hairstyle. It isn't short but it isn't long neither, is terrible! Cannot fix it! xD

    Have a nice day!

  2. Okay, wow. No comments about this giveaway...hehe

    I know this is way late. Just saying, outfit number 4 is super adorable!
