Friday 1 November 2013

Cute Dresses Lookbook : Inspired By My Childhood Memories And Word

Hello you awesome fluffy people. It has been decades since I posted an outfit on my blog. Well two weeks to be exact. The weather finally cleared up and hopefully it will stay that way for a while. It is the monsoon season here in Malaysia and things can get pretty rough with rain for weeks on end.

Halloween is also here and even though it really isn't a big deal in my country, it is a fun holiday nevertheless, so Happy Halloooo-weeen to all you cute, scary people of the world. Anyways, being caged in the house thanks to the rain, I have been doing some reading online and thought I would share some of my finds with you this week.

This isn't particularly a happy post, but somewhat a rebut towards some nasty things I have seen online bashing fashion bloggers and the like. I am definitely someone who receives criticism fairly well, as long as it is kept PG-rated. Being a YouTube and blogger personality, I understand the consequences one has to go through when it comes to feedback, hate and all that jive, but how much is too much?
Dress by : ClosetMino (c/o)
Vintage Shoes: Thrift Store
Socks: Daiso
Pearl Choker : DIY
Recently, I came across a number of websites or rather forums where a bunch of people come together to discuss about public figures from the internet community and while I can see where some of them were coming from and even agree to a certain extent that people who are privileged like myself to be able to do what we do for a dime or two should never take our friends ( I rather like the term friends instead of fans) for granted. However, I am not able to fathom how having an individual style or a certain look is ill fitting to our body types, age and so forth. Apparently, if a woman is closing in on her thirties, she shouldn't dress like a sixteen year old which to me is utter nonsense.

How is it that we feel comfortable or justify the fact that we are emotionally and intentionally hurting someone else when we post things like, 'she should get a new face' or 'she should dress her age' for the entire internet population to see? If there is a rule book on how you should look or dress this day in age, I am pretty sure I missed out because, heck, I would rather look like a 'tween' in my mid twenties than sacrifice my personal taste in style.
Dress by: ClosetMino (c/o)
Socks: Daiso
Bag: Lush
Shoes: Japan
When I made this blog and YouTube channel, I only had one goal to accomplish. To be a voice for others, whether it is through my craft, awareness videos or outfit posts. I also wanted to share an experience, be it a trip into this unrealistic, fantasy land because blogging gives you that power. It also gives you an outlet to be yourself whether or not it is tween like, runway worthy or straight out of a story book. I should think that diversity is king compared to stereotypical look a likes and that we owe no explanation whatsoever because at the end of the day, we love what we love and no one should be endowed with such power to argue otherwise. Also, fashion wouldn't be fashion without difference in choice and body types.

So, to celebrate that diversity, I revisited my childhood with today's outfits. These handmade outfits by ClosetMino reminded me so much of my childhood when mum played dress up with me for tea and holidays. I remember having cute dresses, shoes and accessories to go and she has inspired me in so many ways with the way I dress today. I also brought along my favorite Mr Bean teddy bear for the shoot, just because. Rebuttal ? Maybe.

What do you think about internet critiques? While some make sense, others go overboard. I would love to know your thoughts. Also, I raise my glass to all you women and men alike who aren't afraid to dress, look and write different. Viva La Tween. LOL!
I wish you all an awesome weekend. Follow on Bloglovin
Be Part Of The Fluff!


  1. Wow I so agree. I use to think along those lines that certain styles were for a certain age but as I get older I don't like being limited to old fashioned or frumpy. I say Enjoy life and wear what makes you happy. People will bash you what ever you wear so dress to impress yourself. Why I wear my fluffy pink hat with ears. I didn't have the chance as a kid so I am doing it now before I get any older. :)

    1. Definitely. Age is just a number and it is the heart that stays evergreen. Anyone who tells you otherwise..should really try on a bunny hat and liven up :P Hugs hun, you are an inspiration <3

  2. I agree whole heartedly. your style is our own, who cares if you're 20, 30, 40 - it doesn't matter. As long as you are happy, healthy, not hurting anyone else. I'm sorry people think the anonymity of the internet gives people the feeling they can be horrible with no consequence. Maybe one day people won't be so awful...until then, you have a friend in me, and I think you're adorable!
    Jessi Myers

    1. Thank you for your comment Jessi and internet anonymity has definitely seen better days. I am glad I found a new friend so BIG HUGE hugs <3

  3. Hi Aiko, I'm very proud of this post of yours. Especially for speaking up for everyone else. I think its important to always be in touch with that inner child of ours; friends can come and go, materialistic stuff too, but what's most important is that little girl inside us that is responsible for the happiness and joy we experience from childhood til now. It is also one of the reasons why I started blogging and still like My little Ponies, fairies and whimsical things. On personal style statement, it is very sad to see how the world views fashion. Fashion is not just about beauty and skinny bodies, its about creating your own personal statement, like Art! You become that art. Thank you for this post. =) I love the white dress, so cute!

    1. What a wonderful comment shia and thank you for dropping by <3 you have been such an inspiration to so many people and word to what you said. Big huggs!! I see your blog is looking really snazzy now <3

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Adorable fashion and an important message! I adore the frills and the inspiration - great job! > u< <3
    (Sorry, I replied to the wrong person earlier, this is all new to me.)

  5. did you make that teddy bear. if you did can you put up a tutorial for it. its adorable
