Saturday 8 June 2013

DIY Pom Poms + The Cutest Heart Pom Poms Sweater Ever!

outfit, DIY pom poms, fashion, outfit of the day, OOTD
Happy weekend my fluffies! I hope all of you are doing fine like you're supposed to. I on the other hand got really random. I am not particularly sure how this happened, but I am obsessed with fuzzy little pom poms. I know, even I question my sanity sometimes. In my defense, pom poms are the cutest little fuzz balls in the whole wide world and they are even better in rainbow unicorn colors. I found some fuzzy rainbow colored yarn from Daiso and if you happen to have Daiso around your area, I highly recommend that you visit because it is the best shop in the world. Period.
fashion tutorial, tut, DIY project, yarn, daiso
Look at how fuzzy this is! I found a really easy method to make your very own pom poms without any over the the top gadgets and the only thing I used was a fork, pair of scissors and yarn. Super easy! So for our little fashion tutorial this week, we are making these pom poms and then upcycling a sweater using them. Pom poms, you are taking over the world one fuzz at a time.
fashion tutorial, DIY fashion, Fashion DIY, high waist shorts
I made a really cute heart shape design using the pom poms for my sweater, but if you are feeling even more innovative and creative, go ahead and design your own shape and send me some pictures because I would love to see them.
bow belt, high waist shorts, white sweater
Now lets talk about my outfit. To tone down the wonderful unicorn colored fuzz balls, I paired this sweater up with a pair of ash grey high waist shorts. This pair of shorts were upcycled from an old pair of pants I didn't quite fancy anymore. To pull this outfit together, I clinched a really cute bow belt purchased from WSD and slapped on my usual picnic hat. You know how obsessed I am with hats and picnics.
picnic hat, OOTD
While I leave you with the heap of pictures and pom pom wonders to ponder about, I shall take my leave and probably slip in one more shameless selfie. Don't forget to check out my video tutorial and tell me what you think of unicorns, rainbows and pom poms making this peaceful union on my humble little sweater. Would you do the same? Happy weekend fluffies and big hugs!
pom poms, rainbow colored pom poms, unicorns

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