Thursday 9 May 2013

Chictopia Front Page Feature - Yes I am spazzing out

candy girl outfit, OOTD, chictopia, Fashion, style, style blogger
Excuse my lack of bother for grammar and all that but ZOMG I am so freaking out right now! I opened a Chictopia account somewhere last week just for fun and decided I would visit there often to get some inspiration. However, I posted this very outfit I had a tutorial on a few days back. You can watch it below.
So anyways, here I was on Chictopia one fine morning and I figured, hey why not post this outfit on here and see if anyone would spot the quirk in this. I posted, checked a few cool people out and left.
This morning, I woke up to this!
knee high socks, candy outfit,OOTD, outfit, quirky outfit
207 votes and 45 favorites overnight! I am so stocked right now it is so unbecoming.

Front Page feature on Chictopia. Can you spot me?
Featured in Top Looks in the People Section

So many votes and favorites overnight. This is usually quite impossible for someone who just started off on Chictopia. I am so happy right now LOL! Anyway, I probably would post more often now on there and show you guys random outfits that I  make and create. What do you think? I just started there and have 5 followers which is well...lame...but if any of you are on there come follow me ! :D *happy happy* Follow me by clicking on the Chictopia badge below:

Favorite my look here :

Excuse me while I go faint from excitement..
Watch the video here.
Follow on Bloglovin
Be Part Of The Fluff!


  1. YAY I followed you aiko!! You are a star!

  2. Aiko this is FABULOUS! i am going to open an account just for you
