Monday 18 August 2014

How To Make A Felt Sleeping Bunny Mini Cushion Tutorial

Why hello everyone on the internet! I hope you are doing mighty fine and if you are curious, I just recovered from a bad flu, baked three hundred pieces of curry puffs for a festival, made sixty new jewelry for the shop and dunked myself in a ton of cake to reward myself for all this crazy hard work (and speedy recovery, I guess?).

Anyways, with all this crazy busy going on in my life right now, I decided to wind down this week and sew a really cute felt sleeping bunny mini cushion. I wanted mine a little smaller to hug and cuddle with in the car, because my significant other, does not take very kindly towards huge pillows and stuffed things being thrown in the car, but I think I deserve at least three cute cuddly friends to bring along on our little road trips, or my own car...heh..
The template will be a about one or two sizes bigger than my own, for your own cuddling privileges and you can always throw them around on your bed as a decoration piece or on a comfy rocking chair. Either way, bunnies will never be a bad fashion or decoration accessory. Period.

Now lets look at the things you will need to complete this plush/ felt cushion.

Things you will need for this sewing project:
Felt ( I used only white)
Black  thread for details
Ribbon ( optional)
Lots of polyfill stuffing

And, that is it, basically. Super simple, super adorable and definitely SUPER needed in every girl's life. Bunny cushions. Yep.
I'll see you awesome people next week. Toodles!


TEMPLATE DOWNLOAD HERE: Sleepy Bunny Body  Sleepy Bunny Ears
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